Thursday, November 29, 2007

Thing 2 RSS and Feed Readers

Asking me how I feel about Thing 2 Feed Readers, I choose google reader. This is my special favor one. I can subscribe from CNN, The World's Healthiest Foods, Web MD Health to You Tube-Chinese soap opera etc... It is like knowledge and hobby treasure hunt to me. At home when I have time I am there. My daughter's friends call me cool mom and want to IM me to change information about that. Hay! where is the generation gap? -CL Blog


The Skokie Ten said...

That's the spirit! We may have a new tech guru in our midst.

Congratulations on completing the 10 Things!

life said...

I am curious about the new tech already. The other half of me is a little scared - would I be able to learn it right? But, not really that worry because I would have your team to help me.